Summer Wear Special – 40% OFF!
Check out our Summer Wear Special! Summer is creeping in so it is time to get all of those summer items ready to shine – so why not do it for 40% off? Jeans, Capris, Golf Shirts, and all your other light-weight summer wear for 40% OFF! But this deal for $12 and get $20 in Dry Cleaning!
For a limited time you can pick up $20 in drying cleaning for just $12. Click on the link below to check out the deal. You will need to register an account (Click Here) or if you already have one your can login here.
Check out the deal – CLICK HERE.
By signing up you will have an account where we’ll store all of your purchases so you can easily come back any time and download your vouchers as you need them. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at any time!